Many thanks to our friends over at Old Gamerz Studios who recently posted an in-depth, two part review of Westward: A Steampunk Western RPG – Go check it out!
Part 1:
Part 2:
An update about our first published adventure for Westward:
The Hunt For Jill Strongarm will flesh out and continue to main story arc presented within the pages of Westward Corebook. I’m extremely thankful to have assembled a great team who continue to challenge me, and push me way outside of my comfort zone. The playtests for the adventure are drawing to a close within the next couple of weeks, and that’s when I hope to have the writing finished up for the adventure. I anticipate that the adventure will be available both as a PDF download, and a physical book. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you everyone for your support! I’ve attached the cover art to this update. It was illustrated by the insanely talented Eric Quigley. Here’s a link to his Portfolio: